so_magic.utils.commands module

class so_magic.utils.commands.Command(receiver, method: str, *args)[source]

Bases: so_magic.utils.commands.BaseCommand

An runnable/executable Command that acts as a prototype through the ‘copy’ python magic function.

When a command instance is invoked with ‘copy’, the receiver is copied explicitly in a shallow way. The rest of the command arguments are assumed to be performance invariant (eg it is not expensive to copy the ‘method’ attribute, which is a string) and are handled automatically.

class so_magic.utils.commands.CommandHistory[source]

Bases: object

The global command history is just a stack; supports ‘push’ and ‘pop’ methods.

push(command: so_magic.utils.commands.Command)[source]
property stack
class so_magic.utils.commands.CommandInterface[source]

Bases: abc.ABC

Standalone command, encapsulating all logic and data needed, required for execution.

abstract execute()None[source]

Execute the command; run the commands logic.

class so_magic.utils.commands.Invoker(history: so_magic.utils.commands.CommandHistory)[source]

Bases: object

A class that simply executes a command and pushes it into its internal command history stack.


history (CommandHistory) – the command history object which acts as a stack

execute_command(command: so_magic.utils.commands.Command)[source]