Source code for

"""This module is responsible to provide means of creating (instantiating) objects
representing Datapoints collections."""
import logging
from typing import Iterable
import attr
from so_magic.utils import Subject
from .datapoints import DatapointsFactory

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

# TODO refactor to a composition (not inheritance) implementation of the below class
# reason is that it will be more evident that this class simply combines the
# features of 2 other classes (Subject & DatapointsFactory) to get the job done
[docs]@attr.s class BroadcastingDatapointsFactory(DatapointsFactory): """Creates Datapoints objects and informs its subscribers when that happens. A factory class that informs its subscribers when a new object that implements the DatapointsInterface is created (following a request). Args: subject (Subject, optional): the subject of observation; the "thing" that others listen to """ subject: Subject = attr.ib(init=True, default=attr.Factory(Subject)) name: str = attr.ib(init=False, default='') # TODO check if above can be removed, along with = getattr(args[0], 'name', '') in 'create' method
[docs] def create(self, datapoints_factory_type: str, *args, **kwargs) -> Iterable: """Create new Datapoints and inform subscribers. The factory method that returns a new object of DatapointsInterface, by looking at the registered constructors to delegate the object creation. Args: datapoints_factory_type (str): the name of the "constructor" to use Raises: RuntimeError: [description] Returns: Iterable: instance implementing the DatapointsInterface """ = kwargs.pop('id', kwargs.pop('name', kwargs.pop('file_path', ''))) if kwargs: msg = f"Kwargs: [{', '.join(f'{k}: {v}' for k, v in kwargs.items())}]" raise RuntimeError("The 'create' method of DatapointsFactory does not support kwargs:", msg) self.subject.state = super().create(datapoints_factory_type, *args, **kwargs) # logger.debug(f"Created datapoints: {json.dumps({ # 'datapoints': self.subject.state, # 'name':, # })}") if args and not hasattr(self, '.name'): = getattr(args[0], 'name', '') self.subject.notify() return self.subject.state