Source code for

"""Defines the DatapointsManager type (class); a centralized facility where all
datapoints objects should arrived and be retrieved from."""
from typing import Iterable, Optional
import logging
import attr
from so_magic.utils import Observer, Subject

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]@attr.s class DatapointsManager(Observer): """Manage operations revolved around datapoints collection objects. Instances of this class are able to monitor (listener/observer pattern) the creation of datapoints collection objects and store them in a dictionary structure. They also provide retrieval methods to the client to "pick up" a datapoints object. Args: datapoints_objects (dict, optional): the initial structure that stores datapoints objects """ datapoints_objects = attr.ib(init=True, default=attr.Factory(dict)) _last_key = attr.ib(init=False, default='')
[docs] def update(self, subject: Subject): """Update our state based on the event/observation captured/made. Stores the datapoints object observed in a dictionary using a the Subject name attribute as key. Args: subject (Subject): the subject object observed; it acts as an event Raises: RuntimeError: in case there is no 'name' attribute on the subject or if it is an empty string '' RuntimeError: in case the 'name' attribute on the subject has already been used to store a datapoints object """ datapoints_object = subject.state key = getattr(subject, 'name', '') if key == '': raise RuntimeError(f'Subject {subject} with state {str(subject.state)} resulted in an empty string as key.' f'We reject the key, since it is going to "query" a dict/hash).') if key in self.datapoints_objects: raise RuntimeError(f"Attempted to register a new Datapoints object at the existing key '{key}'.") self.datapoints_objects[key] = datapoints_object self._last_key = key
@property def state(self): """The latest (most recent) key used to store a datapoints object. Returns: str: the key under which we stored a datapoints object last time """ return self._last_key @property def datapoints(self) -> Optional[Iterable]: # indicates that the method can return an Iterable or None types """The most recently stored datapoints object. Returns: Optional[Iterable]: the reference to the datapoints object """ try: return self.datapoints_objects[self._last_key] except KeyError as exception: logger.error("%s . Requested datapoints with id '%s', but was not found in registered [%s]", exception, self._last_key, {', '.join(_ for _ in self.datapoints_objects.keys())})