Source code for

import attr
from so_magic.utils import Observer

[docs]@attr.s class CommandsAccumulator(Observer): commands = attr.ib(init=False, default={})
[docs] def update(self, subject, *args, **kwargs) -> None: # add logging here self.commands[getattr(subject, 'name', str(subject.state))] = subject.state
def __contains__(self, item): return item in self.commands
[docs]@attr.s class CommandGetter: _commands_accumulator = attr.ib(init=True, default=CommandsAccumulator()) @property def accumulator(self): return self._commands_accumulator def __getattr__(self, item): if item not in self._commands_accumulator.commands: raise KeyError(f"Item '{item}' not found in " f"[{', '.join(str(_) for _ in self._commands_accumulator.commands.keys())}]") return self._commands_accumulator.commands[item]
[docs]@attr.s class CommandsManager: """[summary] Args: prototypes (dict, optional): initial prototypes to be supplied command_factory (callable, optional): a callable that returns an instance of Command """ _commands_getter = attr.ib(init=True, default=CommandGetter()) decorators = attr.ib(init=True, default=None) @property def command(self): return self._commands_getter @property def commands_dict(self): return self._commands_getter.accumulator.commands